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dc.contributor.authorMoreno, Héctor
dc.contributor.authorParreño, Juan Manuel
dc.contributor.authorUbierna, César
dc.identifier.citationMoreno, H., Parreño, J. M. y Ubierna, C. (2021). The ecomuseum as a space for the activation of governance processes. Co ‑management of heritage in responsible tourism management. Pasos. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural. 19 (4), 633‑654.
dc.description.abstractAn ecomuseum orients its conservation, formation and reproduction of identity and patrimonial tasks based on the proximity to the territory and the population area it serves. This entails a flexible management system that adapts to contextual specificities of this socio‑cultural and geographical area, empowering local populations to govern themselves in relation to a common project. This study explores the activation of governance processes in ecomuseums, The Cultural Project of Community Development of La Aldea on the island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain) is taken as a case study, related to manners and traditional work. Methodologically, interviews, informal conversations and direct observation have been conducted to determine the presence of governance in the management. To assess the opinion of the visitor, questionnaires were made. From the analysis it is possible to confirm that co‑management, in accordance with governance provides better decision‑making in the formation of the cultural tourism product.es_MX
dc.subjectEcomuseum; Responsible tourism management; Governance; Case study; Identity; Community development.es_MX
dc.titleThe ecomuseum as a space for the activation of governance processes. Co‑management of heritage in responsible tourism management.es_MX
dc.typeArtículo de revista científica indexadaes_MX
dc.contributor.universityUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canariaes_MX
dc.description.careerCabildo de Gran Canariaes_MX
dc.publication.typeLibro de divulgaciónes_MX
dc.publication.magazineCientífica arbitrada con revisión a pareses_MX

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  • Patrimonio cultural
    Recursos informativos cuyas temáticas se relacionan con la conceptualización, contextualización y gestión de los patrimonios culturales.

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