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dc.contributor.authorBraza, Alba
dc.contributor.authorNoguerol, Luis
dc.identifier.citationBraza, A. and Noguerol, L. (2017). Diálogos y otras ausencias a través de la obra de Pepe Espaliú. [online] Disponible en: [Recuperado 27 Oct. 2019].es_MX
dc.identifier.issn1695-8403 / e-ISSN: 2254-7592
dc.description.abstractThe present article is focused on the didactic workshop Dialogs and other absences throughout the Pepe Espaliú work performed in the IVAM museum motivated in the exposition dedicated to the artist Pep Espaliú. The aforementioned workshop was designed and addressed to Teaching Degree students, Arts Degree with the aim to be a didactic proposal based on group dynamics by which the linking between the artist; his artistic references and other interesting productions were favoured in order to discuss questions such as the body, the desire, the disease, the dissent, the homosexuality, the stigma, the absence and the solitude. After the first touch base with an anonymous questionnaire, during the session an exciting debate in which empathies and reflexions were written as a short story that was shared within the debate reinforcing the position of an emancipated public, autonomous and builder of contents by means of their own personal and cultural knowledge.es_MX
dc.publisherEARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigaciónes_MX
dc.publisherEARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigaciónes_MX
dc.publisherEARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigaciónes_MX
dc.subjectMediación artísticaes_MX
dc.titleDiálogos y otras ausencias a través de la obra de Pepe Espaliúes_MX
dc.typeArtículo de revista científica indexadaes_MX
dc.contributor.universityCulturama SLes_MX
dc.publication.typeLibro científicoes_MX
dc.publication.magazineCientífica arbitrada indexadaes_MX

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  • Desarrollo artístico
    Recursos informativos cuyas temáticas están relacionados con teorías, metodologías, experiencias y casos de desarrollo, mediación, promoción y creación artística.

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